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Pei-feng Hsu

Professor | College of Engineering and Science: Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering

Contact Information
(321) 674-7246
Olin Engr Complex, Rm 308


Thermal Radiation Transfer Applications in High-Temperature Measurements and Heating Systems, Thermal Barrier Coatings, Thermal Shock Testing Using Lasers.

Personal Overview

ASME, Fellow
AIAA, Associate Fellow
ASHRAE, Senior Member

Educational Background

B.S. National Taiwan University 1980
M.S. State University of New York, Buffalo 1985
Ph.D. University of Texas, Austin 1991

Professional Experience

  • Professor, Florida Institute of Technology, 2004-present
  • Associate Vice President, May, 2019-July, 2020
  • Associate Vice President for International Partnerships, 2013-April, 2019
  • Assistant Vice President for International Programs, 2012-2013
  • Department Head, Florida Institute of Technology, 2007-2013
  • Associate professor, Florida Institute of Technology, 1999-2004
  • Program Chair, Mechanical Engineering Program, 1999-2000
  • Assistant professor, Florida Institute of Technology, 1994-1999
  • The Boeing Company Welliver Faculty Fellow, 2002
  • Research associate, Wayne State University, 1992-1993
  • Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Texas at Austin, 1991-1992
  • Section chief, Information Systems Section, King HVAC Machinery Co. Ltd., Taipei, Taiwan, 1986-1987
  • Adjunct Lecturer, Feng-Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, 1986-1987

Selected Publications

Y. Wang, P.-f. Hsu, Y. Wu (2022). "Thermal radiative properties of zirconium oxide films in the near‐infrared wavelengths," Int. J. Appl Ceram. Technol, 19(4), 2311–2321, DOI

Y. Wu, Y. Wang, E.J. Gildersleeve V, P-f. Hsu, S. Sampath, M.H.McCay (2022), "Laser Thermal Gradient Testing of Air Plasma Sprayed Multilayered, Multimaterial Thermal Barrier Coatings," Int. J. Appl Ceram. Technol. 1– 16. DOI

Y. Wu, Y. Wang, P.-f. Hsu, M.H. McCay, D.E. Croy, D. Moreno, L. He, C. Wang, and H. Zhang, (2019), "Laser Thermal Gradient Testing and Fracture Mechanics Study of a Thermal Barrier Coating," J. Thermal Spray Tech. DOI, June 2019.

Y. Wang, P.-f. Hsu (2023), "Increased Scattering Coefficient in the Thermal Barrier Coating for High-Temperature Gas Turbine Operations," to be presented at the 47th Int. Conf. & Expo on Adv Ceramics & Composites (ICACC 2022), on-line, January 2023.

Y. Wang, P.-f. Hsu, M. H. McCay (2022), "The Pore Size Dependence of the Radiative Scattering Coefficient in Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Films," Proceedings of the ASME 2022 Expo Turbomachinery Technical Conference, Turbo Expo 2022, June 2022, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, GT2022-80853.

Y. Wang, P.-f. Hsu, (2022), "Impacts of Porosity and Microstructure on the Thermal Radiative Property of Thermal Barrier Coatings," presented at the 46th Int. Conf. & Expo on Adv Ceramics & Composites (ICACC 2022), on-line, January 2022.

Y. Wang, P.-f. Hsu, Y. Wu, (2021), "Near Infrared Radiative Properties of Thermal Barrier Coatings," Proceedings of the ASME 2021 Heat Transfer Summer Conference (SHTC2021), June 2021, on-line, SHTC2021-61258.


Research Interests

Thermal barrier coating thermal gradient testing and finite element analysis of fracture failures.  Multidimensional radiation heat transfer in flames, combustion systems, and radiating gases with spectrally dependent properties; combined mode heat transfer; premixed combustion with detailed multistep chemistry kinetics; electromagnetic wave scattering of small particles; directional and wavelength-selective radiative properties of micro- and nano-scale devices; reflection from random roughness surfaces with and without coating; transient radiation processes for optical imaging using ultra-fast light pulses; and HVAC systems.

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